1 Warrior WayCincinnati, OH 45227
Football, Soccer, Volleyball, Basketball, Wrestling, Track & Lacrosse
From I-71: Take the Fairfax exit. Stay on Red Bank Rd, and go past Madison Rd., past Wal Mart, to US RT 50. Take US RT 50 East. On US Rt 50 (Wooster Pike), go through Fairfax, past Mariemont Square, to 1st light past Mariemont Square. Turn Left on Pocahontas, and right into driveway.
From Eastern Cinti, I-275: Take I-275 to Milford Parkway exit. Stay on Milford Parkway to Rt. 50 (2nd light). Turn left. Stay on Rt.50 West. Go through Milford Business District, over Milford Bridge. Go about 4 miles, past Mariemont Promenade mall, and turn right onto Pocahontas. Turn right in to school drive.
Intersection of Plainville Rd and Madisonville Rd
From I-71: Take the Fairfax exit. Stay on Red Bank Rd, and go past Madison Rd., past Red Bank Distribution, to US RT 50. Take US RT 50 East. On US Rt 50 (Wooster Pike), go through Fairfax, and turn left onto Plainville Rd. Go about ¼ mile and courts are on your right.
Junior High
3847 Southern Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45227
JH Volleyball, Basketball
From I-71: Take the Fairfax exit. Stay on Red Bank Rd, and go past Madison Rd., past Wal Mart, to US RT 50. Take US RT 50 East. Go through the light and turn left just past Frisch’s Mainliner onto Southern Ave. Go three blocks and school is on left.
Stanton Field
JH Soccer, HS Softball
Corner of Elm and Stanton, Terrace Park, 45174
From I-71: Take the Fairfax exit. Stay on Red Bank Rd, and go past Madison Rd., past Red Bank Distribution, to US RT 50. Take US RT 50 East. On US Rt 50 (Wooster Pike), go through Fairfax, past Mariemont Square. Stay on Rt 50 past Newton Rd, and turn right at 1st stop light past Newtown Rd, Elm St (UDF On Corner) Go about 1 mile on Elm, past elementary school and field is on left. For parking, turn left on Stanton, left on Myrtle, and park in school lot.
Terrace Park Swim Club
JH Tennis
Stumps Lane, Terrace Park, 45174
From I-71: Take the Fairfax exit. Stay on Red Bank Rd, and go past Madison Rd., past Red Bank Distribution, to US RT 50. Take US RT 50 East. On US Rt 50 (Wooster Pike), go through Fairfax, past Mariemont Square. Stay on Rt. 50 past Newton Rd, and turn right on to Elm St. Go under stone overpass and turn right into driveway.
Fairfax Field
Var & JV Baseball
3847 Southern Ave, Cincinnati 45227
From I-71: Take the Fairfax exit. Stay on Red Bank Rd, and go past Madison Rd., past Red Bank Distribution, to US RT 50. Take US RT 50 East. Go through the light and turn left just past Frisch’s Mainliner onto Southern Ave. Go three blocks and school is on left. Park in school lot or in swim club lot at the end of the street.