Available Coaching Positions


Madeira High School Is looking to fill the Boys Head Soccer Coach position.  Contact AD Chris O'Brien at cobrien@madeiracityschools.org.




Mariemont High School (D2-SW) is seeking applicants for Head Swim Coach for the 2025-26 season and beyond.  Previous coaching experience is preferred.  Candidates must be familiar with Ohio HS Swimming, and have or willing to have required ODE and OHSAA certifications.  Candidates must possess strong communication and organization skills, the ability to build a good rapport with student athletes and build a strong team culture in a high-achieving school district.  Interested candidates should send resume and letter of interest to AD Tom Nerl at tnerl@mariemontschools.org


Mariemont football is looking for the best available varsity coach to fill either a math or counseling job at the high school.  Football assistant coaching positions are available at all levels. Please email Head Coach Nick Leone at Nleone@mariemontschools.org for information.


Finneytown is looking for a Head Football Coach.    Contact AD Gerald Warmack at gwarmack@finneytown.org


Wyoming is looking for a Head Girls Tennis Coach.  Contact Athletic Director Matt Weber at weberm@wyomingcityschools.org


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